As a user, you can now log in to any back end of your managed Contao installations with just one click. In addition, we have added a handy favorites function for your filters.

Simple login to the back end with

With you manage the access rights for all your Contao projects centrally and simplify your users' work with a single access. The service is a single sign-on solution for all your Contao projects.

You might be wondering what has to do with trakked. It's simple: When trakked recognizes that the extension is active on a Contao installation, the link to the back end is automatically switched to the login via

Once you are authenticated at, you can switch to the Contao back end with just one click. Practical, isn't it?

Take a look at the video at the end of this article.

New favorites function for frequently used filters

Do you need certain filters or combinations of filters more often? Then you'll love the new favorites function we've integrated.

This is how it works: You set a specific filter and click on the star symbol. Give it a name and your filter is saved.

The next time you need the same filter, all you have to do is click on the entry you created.

The favorites can of course also be renamed or deleted.

Here is a short video summarizing the changes

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