Contao Open Source CMS Changelog for the version 5.4

About Contao 5.4

The first stable version of Contao 5.4 has been released on 15 August 2024 and was the successor of Contao 5.3. 5.4 has been updated until 14 February 2025, after which it will be replaced by Contao 5.5.

Changelog Contao 5.4

Contao 5.4.3 (2024-09-17)

Security vulnerabilities closed:

Contao 5.4.2 (2024-09-12)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.2:

Contao 5.4.1 (2024-08-23)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.1:

Contao 5.4.0 (2024-08-15)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.0:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.0-RC4:

  • #7419 Use `<turbo-frame>` for `DataContainer::edit()` and fix other Turbo issues (fritzmg)
  • #7437 Fix the Twig deprecations (ausi)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.0-RC3:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.0-RC2:

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.4.0-RC1:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.4.0-RC1:

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