Contao Open Source CMS Changelog for the version 5.3

About Contao 5.3 LTS

The first stable version of Contao 5.3 has been released on February 16, 2024, replacing Contao 4.13 as the long term support version. As an LTS version, 5.3 will be provided with bug fixes until February 14, 2027 and security-related updates until February 14, 2028. Contao 5.7 will be the next LTS version of Contao and will be released in February 2026, ensuring a stress-free transition.

Changelog Contao 5.3

Contao 5.3.7 (2024-04-19)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.7:

  • #7089 Make the member group voter cacheable (aschempp)
  • #7129 Make the `PhpTemplateProxyNode` class compatible with Twig 3.9 (ausi)
  • #7130 Fix the elements check in the `sectionwizard.js` script (qzminski)
  • #7127 Use `PhpSubprocess` instead of `Process` in the `ProcessUtil` class (Toflar)

Contao 5.3.6 (2024-04-17)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.6:

Contao 5.3.5 (2024-04-16)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.5:

  • #7113 Fix the order of the media block in the text element markup (ausi)
  • #7107 Use Encore to minify the SVG icons (leofeyer)
  • #7071 Add the missing styles to the new table element (zoglo)
  • #7106 Enable the `sortAttrs` option in the SVGO configuration (leofeyer)
  • #7017 Fix the elements check in the `modulewizard.js` script (qzminski)
  • #7073 Use `display: grid` in the image gallery preview (zoglo)
  • #7074 Initialize Handorgel on the element (zoglo)
  • #7081 Add the missing `WysiwygStyleProcessor ` autowiring alias (Toflar)
  • #7064 Also unset the `disable`, `start` and `stop` fields when an admin edits themselves (aschempp)
  • #7057 Cache SQL queries in the page type voter (aschempp)
  • #7046 Fix some edge cases when parsing HTML style attributes (ausi)

Contao 5.3.4 (2024-04-09)

Security vulnerabilities closed:

Contao 5.3.3 (2024-03-22)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.3:

  • #7045 Fix a bug in `setIfExists()` with Stringable objects (ausi)
  • #7044 Fix double encoding/decoding in the `HtmlAttributes` class (ausi)

Contao 5.3.2 (2024-03-21)

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.2:

  • #7037 Add the `csp_unsafe_inline_style` Twig filter (ausi)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.2:

Contao 5.3.1 (2024-03-08)

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.1:

  • #6954 Register the `dotenv:dump` command by default in the Contao managed edition (Toflar)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.1:

Contao 5.3.0 (2024-02-16)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.0:

  • #6854 Handle routing exceptions during news and event URL generation (fritzmg)
  • #6900 Improve logging of request parameters (aschempp)
  • #6898 Add `type="button"` to the accordion toggler (fritzmg)
  • #6895 Fix the column name in the "remember me" migration (aschempp)
  • #6893 Move adding the data to the `_download.html.twig` component (leofeyer)
  • #6889 Correctly cache Contao translations that only exist as Symfony translations (fritzmg)
  • #6890 Always allow the "read" action in the front end modules voter (bezin)
  • #6880 Correctly handle dark icons in `data-icon` and `data-icon-disabled` (zoglo)

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.0-RC4:

  • #6814 Allow adding a source to multiple CSP directives at once (aschempp)
  • #6858 Remove the `@internal` flag from the backup manager (Toflar)

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.0-RC4:

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.0-RC3:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.0-RC3:

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.0-RC2:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.0-RC2:

Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.3.0-RC1:

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.0-RC1:

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