About Contao 5.1
The first stable version of Contao 5.1 has been released on 15 February 2023 and was the successor of Contao 5.0. 5.1 has been updated until 14 August 2023, after which it has been replaced by Contao 5.2.
Changelog Contao 5.1
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.11
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.10 Security
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.9
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.8
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.7
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.6
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.5
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.4 Security
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.3
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.2
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.1
- Changelog for Contao 5.1.0
Contao 5.1.11 (2023-08-01)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.11:
- #6263 Ensure absolute URLs in the PageRedirect class (leofeyer)
- #6253 Correctly set the link title in the hyperlink controller (leofeyer)
- #6254 Ensure the PID in the favorites listener is an integer (leofeyer)
- #6201 Favorites voter must not grant access (aschempp)
- #6210 Decode HTML entities in feed item titles (bezin)
- #6183 Unset PID for copy button callbacks (aschempp)
- #6230 Set the correct type on model ID (aschempp)
- #6225 Skip type error when trying to assign DCA label to string (aschempp)
- #6242 Replace the token in the storage for front end authentication (ausi)
Contao 5.1.10 (2023-07-25)
Security vulnerability closed:
- Cross site scripting in widgets with units (CVE-2023-36806)
Contao 5.1.9 (2023-07-10)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.9:
- #6178 Correctly encode URLs in the sitemap (aschempp)
- #6173 Increase Symfony filesystem dependency version (ausi)
- #6177 Remove field permissions on favorites table (aschempp)
Contao 5.1.8 (2023-06-21)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.8:
- #6136 Log the bad credentials exception in the security channel (bytehead)
- #6147 Support vimeo unlisted video privacy hash (ausi)
- #6083 Skip insert tags when converting relative URLs (leofeyer)
- #6093 Fix a typo in the `_download` component (fritzmg)
- #6112 Allow saving serialized strings in DC_File again (zoglo)
Contao 5.1.7 (2023-05-25)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.7:
- #6076 Add a title to the collapsed element button (aschempp)
- #6046 Improve the main navigation hover style (aschempp)
- #6047 Pass the ID to `getCurrentRecord()` in "override all" mode (leofeyer)
- #5998 Fix the list and table wizards in news and events (leofeyer)
Contao 5.1.6 (2023-05-03)
Contao 5.1.5 (2023-05-02)
Contao 5.1.4 (2023-04-25)
Security vulnerability closed:
- Directory traversal in the file manager (CVE-2023-29200)
Contao 5.1.3 (2023-04-19)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.3:
- #5963 Correctly count the skipped recipients (leofeyer)
- #5964 Add the header.svg and settings.svg icons again (leofeyer)
- #5946 Load the default language when generating the calendar feeds (leofeyer)
- #5960 Prevent double slashes in version URLs (leofeyer)
- #5949 Add the "adjustDca" load callback to tl_news_archive again (leofeyer)
- #5941 Do not treat sub-directories of Twig namespace roots as template paths (m-vo)
- #5922 Correctly pass null values in findBy queries (ausi)
Contao 5.1.2 (2023-04-04)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.2:
- #5921 Fix bug in Hybrid::generate() with missing ID (ausi)
- #5919 Add a unit test for invalid files to the ImagesController (m-vo)
- #5916 Filter non-image files in the ImagesController (leofeyer)
- #5906 Handle `null` in the `html.html.twig` template (fritzmg)
- #5897 Handle basic entities in the SERP preview (leofeyer)
- #5900 Allow using basic entities in texts (heimseiten)
- #5895 Allow using basic entities in headlines (leofeyer)
- #5804 Add the missing data container permission checks (aschempp)
- #5885 Always allow toggling a field that is not excluded (aschempp)
Contao 5.1.1 (2023-03-16)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.1:
- #5788 Add the TokenDeauthenticatedListener (bytehead)
- #5870 Explicitly set the legacy template in the TwoFactorController (m-vo)
- #5857 Fix the split button alignment (leofeyer)
- #5819 Surround the `togglePassword` images with a button (cliffparnitzky)
- #5840 Fix deleting multiple records (Toflar)
- #5838 Add missing type hints to translation classes (ausi)
- #5821 Remove tl_settings.doNotCollapse (aschempp)
- #5828 Return BinaryFileResponse when handling downloads (m-vo)
- #5780 Fix PHPUnit deprecation warnings (m-vo)
- #5803 Move the favorites voter to the correct namespace (aschempp)
Contao 5.1.0 (2023-02-16)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.0-RC3:
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.0-RC2:
- #5704 Do not require overwriting the console path (leofeyer)
- #5714 Use the HTML sanitizer component as Twig filter (ausi)
- #5697 Fix the module wizard (leofeyer)
- #5703 Fix the Gulp watch task (fritzmg)
- #5702 Make "$consolePath" a required argument (leofeyer)
- #5695 Use two different icons for light and dark mode (leofeyer)
- #5691 Correctly toggle the favorites menu group (leofeyer)
- #5687 Move the dark mode toggle to the header bar (leofeyer)
- #5689 Make console_path a general Contao configuration (Toflar)
- #5690 Fix the icons when toggling structures in dark mode (leofeyer)
Changelog of the new features in Contao 5.1.0-RC1:
- #4847 Add a new feed reader implementation (bezin)
- #5682 Allow to pass an array of allowed attributes to Input::stripTags() (leofeyer)
- #5672 Add more back end grid classes (leofeyer)
- #5673 Add an attributes_callback for DCA fields (aschempp)
- #5671 Allow a minimum amount of workers for autoscaling (Toflar)
- #3694 Add the URI and page ID to log entries (SeverinGloeckle)
- #5427 Check the administrator email address (fritzmg)
- #5405 Introduce background workers (Toflar)
- #5631 Implement a dark scheme toggle (aschempp)
- #5368 Enable the login rate limit (bytehead)
- #5598 Also minify the core.js and mootao.js scripts with Webpack (leofeyer)
- #5031 Add a dark mode for the back end (leofeyer)
- #4936 Support the native date input type for text fields in the form generator (fritzmg)
- #5307 Add a confirmation message to forms and provide Ajax out of the box (qzminski)
- #4898 Add error handling to the form data processing (rabauss)
- #5425 Allow sorting DCA fields ascending and descending (aschempp)
- #5417 Add a button to copy multiple records and paste them multiple times (aschempp)
- #5591 Remove localconfig.disableCron in favor of a new zero config approach (Toflar)
- #5602 Adjust the name of the default guests group (leofeyer)
- #5116 Add the MemberActivationMailEvent (fritzmg)
- #5478 Add the "#[\SensitiveParameter]" attribute (ausi)
- #5371 Allow to set the locale in "Template::trans" (fritzmg)
- #5609 Improve the content elements view (leofeyer)
- #5607 Use CSS variables for all colors and CSS classes instead of inline styles (leofeyer)
- #5592 Add a favorites menu in the back end (leofeyer)
- #5594 Also add the new "idempotent actions" logic to DC_Folder (leofeyer)
- #5406 Add stimulus controllers in the back end (aschempp)
- #5554 Add support for async CLI cron jobs (Toflar)
- #5461 Disable the request token check for idempotent actions (aschempp)
- #5364 Allow defining a default search field (leofeyer)
- #5403 Add a user option to not collapse content elements (aschempp)
- #5379 Use sendfile for local files downloads (m-vo)
- #5359 Change the default value for tl_layout.viewport (leofeyer)
- #5347 Add a markdown help text (leofeyer)
- #5304 Add a lock overlay for protected articles (leofeyer)
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.1.0-RC1:
- #5683 Fix the skippable cronjobs (fritzmg)
- #5680 Add isRequired() for desired_size and max settings on workers (Toflar)
- #5679 Add a default value for the worker "min" configuration (Toflar)
- #5670 Do not add the request token to idempotent actions (leofeyer)
- #5666 Skip cron execution for minutely cron and messenger cron in web scope (Toflar)
- #5653 Fix the tree indentation (leofeyer)
- #5652 Only hide the dark/light theme icons via CSS (leofeyer)
- #5647 Ensure Doctrine connections are closed after message handling (Toflar)
- #5646 Use enumNode instead of custom validation (Toflar)
- #5597 Correctly open and close tree nodes if there is a filter (leofeyer)
- #5593 Fix the "aia-hidden" attribute in the tips.js file (leofeyer)