At the end of the year, we brought two Christmas presents for you. Package #1 contains a brand new trakked manual in English and German. Package #2 contains a GIT connection to automatically commit the "composer.lock" after a successful Contao update.

As always, we have prepared a short video for you:

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Manual for trakked in English and German

By now, the range of feature of trakked has grown so much that it was time to provide you with a central documentation. If you are not sure how to configure or use a feature, just take a look at our brand-new manual.

You can access it at:

GIT commit after a successful Contao update

If you are thinking: "What is a GIT commit?", then you probably don't need the feature (yet). Attention everyone else!

You have probably created corresponding repositories for your projects at GitHub or GitLab and want to version all changes and updates without gaps. Until now, this was unfortunately not possible with trakked, so that you always had to do extra manual work for these projects or could not even use the update feature of trakked.

This was also the case for our developers and that's why they implemented a solution without further ado. It is now possible to automatically commit the current "composer.lock" to the respective repository after each update.

Sounds good to you? Then you can try out the instructions in our documentation and connect your installations with your GIT repositories.

Further improvements

In the last weeks, Yanick has done some maintenance work in the engine room and exchanged one or the other line of code. As a result, the Contao updates are now even more stable and reliable.

In the detailed view of the installations, a small change has been made. You can now see the date when an installation was added to trakked.

Merry Christmas

We wish you happy holidays and all the best for the new year and thank you very much for your trust.

Kind regards,
Andy, Yanick, Alex, Bjarke & Christian

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