We think that as a Contao agency or freelancer, you should receive all important information about Contao as quickly as possible. No matter if it is about bugfix releases or security updates. We also want to professionalize Contao and give you information on how you can really earn money with the maintenance of Contao.

Knowledge is power

Contao is an open source project. It is supported by many voluntary helping hands and the community is very active and creative.
Accordingly, it is difficult to find one's way through this - sometimes confusing and poorly organized - flood of information.

At trakked, we do nothing else but Contao. Contao is our daily business and processing this flood of information and reducing it to the essentials is one of our tasks. So why not share with you what we already do anyway?

In the future, we will keep you up to date via various newsletter channels. You can decide for yourself which of these you find relevant. We are targeting the following channels:

Contao releases (LTS versions)

  • Frequency: about 12 times a year
  • Content: Contao stopped publishing a blog post for every bugfix release some time ago. All that exists, is the English changelog. We would like to summarize the most important two or three bugfixes per release so you don't have to read the changelog. Even though you will generally always apply bugfixes anyway, it is often very handy to have read about a problem somewhere before. This channel will only contain information about LTS releases.

Contao releases (non-LTS versions)

  • Frequency: about 12 times a year
  • Content: If you are not only using LTS but also non-LTS releases, this channel will only contain information about the non-LTS releases.

Security information

  • Frequency: 1-2x per year, in best case never :-)
  • Content: When security vulnerabilities appear, it is important to act quickly. Contao itself deliberately does not publish details about the vulnerabilities to protect the broad mass of Contao users from quick attacks. Again, knowledge is power. We will report on all vulnerabilities in more detail and especially let you know which parts of the application are affected. Remember, no matter what we write, you should always update!

trakked.io product updates

  • Frequency: 4-6x per year
  • Content: This channel keeps you up to date with the latest trakked news. We will inform you here about new features and our future plans.

trakked.io Insights

  • Frequency: 4-6x per year
  • Content: This channel should be the one that will bring you the most added value. In our team, we have a lot of knowledge about Contao and its community. Over the years, we have acquired countless tips & tricks that allow us to work more efficiently. Since one of the most important goals of trakked is the professionalization of the Contao environment, we will also provide you with specific information on the topic of maintenance contracts. We would like to show you how you can save time and money with trakked and other tools through automation. Furthermore, our workflows and processes will be a topic and we would like to know about yours so that we can share them with all other trakked customers.

Contao needs a change!

How many installations do you know of that are not regularly and reliably updated?

Friends, it is about high time that the Contao community spoke plainly and that we took our responsibility as web and advertising agencies working with Contao seriously. We want to minimize the number of unmaintained Contao installations in this world.

We hope that we can make an important contribution to this with trakked 2.0.

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