You asked for it and our engineers built it. From now on trakked can read, display and filter all installed extensions of your Contao setups.

Watch the short introduction video:

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Extracting information about extensions

The extension informatio is automatically retrieved and processed in the background via the Contao Manager connection.

Filter extensions

To do so, you will find a new category "Extensions" in the sidebar in our "Search & Filter" section. Click on "filter..." and select the desired extensions from the dropdown. As usual, you can combine several filters with each other.

Display the list of extensions for evey installation

In addition to filtering, you can display the list of extensions that are installed for each installation.

To do so, open an installation and then find the button "Show list" next to the number of installed extensions. After a click, a list with all packages including version constraints and the currently installed version is displayed.

Other small improvements

Links to release plans of PHP and Contao

From now on, the Contao version and the PHP version are linked to their respective release plans.

More support links

To help you find the right information even quicker, we have added more links to the question mark symbol on the top right.

Edit URL of the installation

Just like the title, the URL to an installation can now also be edited.

We saved the best for last:

The new features are available in trakked now!

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