Contao 5.3.14, a new version of the Contao open source CMS, has been released.

As always, this release contains all relevant bugfixes from the latest 4.13.48. In addition, Twig templates in subdirectories are now handled correctly in the theme export and various minor bugfixes have been fixed. Above all, however, this release fixes a performance problem in the security voters, which was particularly significant for large installations with several 10,000 content elements.

Why is there a bugfix release published shortly before a security vulnerability is closed?

When Contao 4.9.6 was released, we did not have this separation yet. There were problems with the update via the Contao Manager as well as bugs that had to be fixed the next day in a new version 4.9.7. Therefore, the core team decided not to mix security and bugfix versions anymore. Security releases will henceforth contain only the changes necessary to close the vulnerabilities.

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.3.14:

  • #7509 Handle string IDs in the article content voter (aschempp)
  • #7525 Only add the `galleryTpl` field to the legacy gallery element (fritzmg)
  • #7467 Correctly handle news feed URLs in the page routing listener (leofeyer)
  • #7513 Fix the parent record loading in the dynamic parent table voter (aschempp)
  • #7489 Fix the description list markup for `template` templates (fritzmg)
  • #7484 Fix type error in `downloads` content element (fritzmg)
  • #7485 Fix the name of symlinked filesystem adapters (fritzmg)
  • #7477 Fix the line height of the ellipsis containers (leofeyer)
  • #7472 Consider subfolders and Twig templates within the theme export (zoglo)

About Contao 5.3 LTS

The first stable version of Contao 5.3 has been released on February 16, 2024, replacing Contao 4.13 as the long term support version. As an LTS version, 5.3 will be provided with bug fixes until February 14, 2027 and security-related updates until February 14, 2028. Contao 5.7 will be the next LTS version of Contao and will be released in February 2026, ensuring a stress-free transition.

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