This update contains a bug. Please update directly to version 5.2.6. For details, see here:
As always, this release contains the bugfixes of the latest 4.13.33. In addition, insert tags have been replaced in the back end for some content elements, which has now been changed again. Furthermore, a bug in the news archive permissions has been fixed, Twig templates can now be better used with custom HTML attributes (e.g. for libraries such as AlpineJS) and Contao has been equipped with some performance improvements.
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.2.5:
- #6479 Do not replace insert tags in the editor view in the back end (fritzmg)
- #6486 Check if `$upload['tmp_name']` is set before using it (qzminski)
- #6478 Fix a type error in `FormInsertTag` (fritzmg)
- #6468 Compare actual row format instead of create options (ausi)
- #6464 Do not grant access in the news archive access voter (leofeyer)
- #6455 Allow special characters in HTML attributes (ausi)
- #6456 Fix unsetting uppercase attributes (ausi)
- #6449 Do not lowercase table and column names in type cache (ausi)
- #6443 Simplify whitespace control in headline component template (m-vo)
About Contao 5.2
The first stable version of Contao 5.2 has been released on 15 August 2023 and was the successor of Contao 5.1. 5.2 has been updated until 16 February 2024, after which it was replaced by Contao 5.3.