As always, this release includes all the improvements of the latest 4.13.31. In addition, HTML5 date validation in the form generator has been fixed and integration with the popular monitoring service has been improved.
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.2.3:
- #6405 Increase the `UnwrapTwigExceptionListener` priority (Toflar)
- #6416 Fix the newsletter "delete" permission constant (aschempp)
- #6400 Convert dates into the HTML5 format in the FormText widget (leofeyer)
- #6414 Do not add default operations when loading a non-existent DCA (aschempp)
- #6399 Only notify about rejected recipients if there are any (leofeyer)
About Contao 5.2
The first stable version of Contao 5.2 has been released on 15 August 2023 and was the successor of Contao 5.1. 5.2 has been updated until 16 February 2024, after which it was replaced by Contao 5.3.