As always, this release contains all relevant bugfixes of 4.13.15 and correspondingly of 4.9.38 and additionally fixes erroneous URLs when sending newsletters. Furthermore, a bug with the download content elements has been fixed and the front end preview on behalf of a specific member now works again.
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.0.8:
- #5566 Remove basic entities from SerpPreview (a-v-l)
- #5668 Fix the URLs for the newsletter sending process (leofeyer)
- #5632 Reset the list wizard list-style (aschempp)
- #5590 Fix the `tl_page.accesskey` database type (fritzmg)
- #5584 Add the missing files to the "prepareFormData" hook (Toflar)
- #5585 Fix `PageModel::getPreviewUrl` on Windows (fritzmg)
- #5573 Do not handle downloads for other elements on the same page (m-vo)
- #5570 Correctly assign the `reverseToggle` flag (leofeyer)
- #5562 Update TL_LANGUAGE deprecation (ausi)
- #5543 Provide roles when authenticating a frontend member (bytehead)
About Contao 5.0
The first stable version of Contao 5.0 has been released on 18 August 2022 and will be the successor of Contao 4.13. 5.0 has been updated until 14 February 2023, after which it has been replaced by Contao 5.1.