Contao Open Source CMS 5.0.5

Contao 5.0.5, a new version of the Contao open source CMS, has been released.

As always, this release contains all bugfixes of version 4.13.13 and thus also 4.9.36. Furthermore, various bugs in the template selection have been fixed, so that the correct variant templates should be displayed now. Also, the selection of custom templates should work as expected again. Furthermore, the buggy toggle function (the icon with the eye) for the member and user management has been fixed and the missing locking mechanism for too many login attempts has been restored.

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.0.5:

About Contao 5.0

The first stable version of Contao 5.0 has been released on 18 August 2022 and will be the successor of Contao 4.13. 5.0 has been updated until 14 February 2023, after which it has been replaced by Contao 5.1.

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