As usual, this release contains all the bug fixes of the latest version 4.13 plus various bug fixes and improvements related to Twig. There is also a new handy command debug:contao-twig
which shows the hierarchy of Twig templates and can help you to understand their relation. So for those who already work extensively with Twig, an update is highly recommended.
Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 5.0.2:
- #5247 Allow creating modern templates from within the back end (m-vo)
- #5241 Fix several things when submitting data in DC_Table (m-vo)
- #5266 Fix several autofocus issues in the back end (leofeyer)
- #5254 Fix template options when using legacy elements (fritzmg)
- #5242 Add implicit Twig namespace roots (m-vo)
- #5235 Use the TemplateOptionsListener for form field templates (leofeyer)
- #5237 Pass the contao.web_dir in the Automator::generateSymlinks() method (leofeyer)
- #5243 Make modern custom templates selectable in the back end (m-vo)
- #5246 Move the download templates to the correct location (m-vo)
- #5238 Correctly check if the localconfig.php file is writeable (leofeyer)
- #5236 Deprecate the User::isMemberOf() method (leofeyer)
- #5192 Use getCurrentRequest() instead of getMainRequest() (leofeyer)
- #5217 Fix the password field icon (leofeyer)
- #5216 Allow to disable ChmodTable widget (de-es)
- #5214 Use boolean instead of empty string (bytehead)
About Contao 5.0
The first stable version of Contao 5.0 has been released on 18 August 2022 and will be the successor of Contao 4.13. 5.0 has been updated until 14 February 2023, after which it has been replaced by Contao 5.1.