Contao 4.4 has been with us for 4.5 years. The last year was spent in "security only" mode, where Contao versions are only updated with security-related bug fixes.

Contao 4.4 has brought us numerous improvements, including the "DCA picker", which since then lets us pick everything from pages to news entries, or the searchable file system and filterable tree views. By the way: In June 2017 the Contao Manager also entered the public beta phase and Bjarke's bimonthly review already accompanied us for a whole year!

Now version 4.4 is leaving us for a well-deserved retirement as of December 14, 2021. That means 4.4.57 is and will remain the very last 4.4 version and should no longer be used.

Good luck with the updates!

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