Contao 4.12.7, a new version of the Contao open source CMS, has been released.

... and another straggler. This means that Contao 4.12 has definitely reached EOL and all users are encouraged to update to version 4.13 LTS.

Changelog of the fixed issues in Contao 4.12.7:

  • #4106 Fix trailing slashes in URL when requireItem is enabled (aschempp)
  • #4003 Fix invalid array access if labels are not defined (m-vo)

About Contao 4.12

The first stable version of Contao 4.12 has been released on 15 August 2021 and is the successor of Contao 4.11. 4.12 has been updated until 14 January 2022, after which it was replaced by Contao 4.13.

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